Where doubt exists as to the accuracy or sufficiency of the information provided it is the responsibility of the worker to ensure that the lifting operation does not proceed until the doubt has been satisfactorily resolved. The worker should have the necessary confidence and authority to carry out their duties effectively and safely. This does not mean that the worker has to be an expert in ground assessment, they must however take reasonable steps to satisfy themselves that the information provided by the person in control of the site is relevant and appropriate.

the person or company in control of a lifting operation) is responsible for all aspects of planning, supervision and execution of the lifting operation, including ensuring that the ground or structure on which equipment stands will take the loads imposed by the plant. A worker who carries out work for a PCBU (i.e.It is usually the PCBU’s responsibility to make sure the ground is safe to work on. PCBU should provide accurate geotechnical report for the site ground condition or other relevant information for crane stability to the worker responsible for the lifting operations if this is necessary for the safe operation of the lifting activity. They should ensure that where a crane is being used to carry out a task, adequate steps have been taken to ensure the stability of the crane during transport onto site, set up, use, movement, maintenance, dismantling and removal from the site.

the principle contractor in control of the project site) has overall responsibility for the safety of all personnel on site. A person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) that includes the carrying out of construction work (i.e.The responsibilities for undertaking the various activities involved in the ground assessment are set out below: It is essential for all persons undertaking these roles to be competent, having relevant up-to-date training and the qualifications and experience appropriate to the operations for which they are responsible.